Adult Programs & Events
Revive Ladies Retreat
October 3-5, 2025
Ladies will once again have the opportunity to worship, learn, relax, spend time in prayer, fellowship, laugh, and be revived! Ladies will also get to choose from a variety of breakout sessions to attend on Saturday with relevant topics. There will be a variety of free-time options offered throughout the weekend, including spa stations, a coffee house, crafts, and a movie.
Frontline Men’s Fall Retreat
September 12-14, 2025
Every year Whitehall Camp partners with a volunteer committee (Frontline Men’s Ministry) that puts together an annual weekend retreat for men. The weekend is designed to be beneficial, informative, fun, and relaxing for those attending. Although we try to bring a dynamic speaker and worship leader each year, it is more important to us to provide a weekend that opens up the opportunity for men to gather in an atmosphere that allows for transparent and authentic dialog. Each man that comes, quickly understands that the weekend is a time for men to share about life from the perspective that only men can understand, and that we can trust that what is said is held in confidentiality. We hope that you will join us and discover the benefits of this fantastic event. Once you experience it, you will find that you will look forward to this time every year.