Frontline Men’s Weekend
Every year Whitehall Camp partners with a volunteer committee (Frontline Men’s Ministry) who puts together an annual weekend retreat for men.
September 12 - 14, 2025
Guest Speaker: Frontline Ministry Team
Theme: TBD
Check-in: Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Depart: Sunday, After last Closing Session, 9:00 a.m.
Please note: Online Registration through the Whitehall Camp website is not available.
Forms and payment should be submitted to Frontline Ministries; P.O. Box 44, Leechburg, PA 15656
For conference information please contact Closed Until Next September.
or email Frontline at Info@Frontlinemensministries.org
Facebook: Frontline Men’s Ministries
Here is a statement from the Frontline Committee:
The Frontline Ministry Team strives to put together a weekend that is beneficial, informative, fun, and relaxing for those attending. Although we try to bring a dynamic speaker and worship leader each year, it is more important to us to provide a weekend that opens up the opportunity for men to gather in an atmosphere that allows for transparent and authentic dialog. Each man that comes quickly understands that the weekend is a time for men to share about life from the perspective that only men can understand, and that we can trust that what is said is held in confidentiality. We hope that you will join us and discover the benefits of this fantastic event. Once you experience it, you will find that you will look forward to this time every year.