Supporting the Ministry
Being a non-profit ministry it would be impossible for Whitehall Camp to continue going on and moving forward without the help of our donors! We have been blessed to be in ministry for 129 years thanks foremost to our great God and also because of the many individuals and churches who have been so kind in giving towards our cause. We take very seriously the stewardship of funds received and strive to be obedient to the Lord's leading in how they are utilized. If you feel led to give towards the ministry of Whitehall Camp you may do so in the following ways:
General Operating Fund
Donations to our general operating fund go towards the day to day operations of the campground. As with any business we have your normal expenses (utility bills, upkeep of buildings, phone bills, office supplies, etc.) Your donation to this fund helps to offset these expenses and stretch our dollars so that we can invest in other important areas (i.e. summer youth camps, summer staff). Making sure these programs can have an eternal spiritual impact on individuals lives!
Youth Camp Scholarship Fund
This fund helps youth who would otherwise not be able to attend summer camp or winter blast the opportunity to do so. Individuals wishing to receive aid must follow an application process.
Summer Missions Team
This fund helps support our teenagers and young adults who come and serve on the mission field of Whitehall Camp all summer long, serving our youth campers and guests who are here for camp meeting and other events. Individuals who work on our SMT still receive a full salary stipend. Funds given to the SMT help to offset these staffing expenses and give our summer staff a nice year-end banquet.
Renovations & Projects
We are currently renovating the Hillside Lodge meeting area. If you wish to give to this project please put “Hillside Lodge” in the memo-line of your check.
Gifts in Kind
Sometimes it is helpful to receive items at the camp that are of use so that we do not need to spend the funds on them ourselves.
Memorial Donations
Often times individuals want to give a lasting memorial on the campground for a family member or friend who loved and contributed to Whitehall. If you are interested in giving towards a lasting memorial we currently offer these options: Lamp Post, Bench. Each item receives a plaque. Please contact our office for information on price and other details.
All contributions to Whitehall Camp are tax-deductible. You will receive a year-end giving statement in January.